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As two lovers of coffee and Milwaukee, we have spent many hours over the last few years going on and on about both. Though most of our brain power goes toward the world of academia we feel inspired to share our love and history with coffee through the lens of the stories that make el cafe and Milwaukee special to us. In this blog, we will be exploring all that Milwaukee has to offer with a rich coffee culture, learning about the people and stories behind its coffee, and musing about how our lives are shaped by this little bean and this big city. Our goal is to do this without the snobbery that good coffee sometimes takes on and with an open and whimsical spirit. And we won’t be just reviewing coffee shops. Instead, we will dive into the questions, wonderings, and lives behind them and the role they play in MKE.


Through this blog we seek to explore the stories we often share over a cup of coffee. It is our hope that this blog serves as a space where we can share our musings and thoughts around the city and drink that we love so much.

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