In today's blog, Saúl shares about his love for Cortados and offers some of his recs.

Earlier this year (a couple of weeks ago now) Starbucks announced a new drink to their menu, the Cortado. Since then, this blog post about my love for the Cortado has been brewing in my head. Although not new by any means, the Cortado traces its roots to Spain. “Cortado” means “cut”, and is an apt name for a drink that cuts up the boldness of an espresso in a lovely manner. Think about the Cortado as a 1:1 ratio, espresso and steamed milk. It isn’t as milk-forward as a latte, but not as espresso forward like an Americano. If you want a step by step recipe, here’s a great link to a Coffee Shop in South Carolina explaining how to craft the perfect Cortado!
As for me, I tried my first Cortado in 2019 on the sunny streets of Madrid. While walking with some friends, someone ordered a cortado along the way. I was surprised by the small size of the cup. After being offered a sip (I took the lid off, FYI) it hit me. A strong punch of caffeinated goodness, followed by a mellow aftertaste. My first reaction was not super positive, but many years after that day, I still remember that moment. Since then, I’ve incorporated the Cortado into my drink rotation. While looking back at my many pictures of coffee mugs, I see a steady Cortado trend emerge in 2022, even popping up in my poetry (more on that in another post). I’d say I have tasted my fair share of Cortados and think that I have a decent grasp of the best ones in MKE. All of this to say, that I want to share my thoughts on the Starbucks Cortado, but also share some of my MKE favorites.

I’ll be honest, I was not expecting the best when I heard the news. But nevertheless, I decided to give the Cortado a shot (or should I say three ristretto shots). On a frigid day, I ordered one to go and gave it a sip. And to be honest, it kind of fell flat. In my opinion, it was a bit too “milk” forward, and by the time the coffee punched your tongue, it was too late. Maybe my expectations were too high or maybe it’s to be expected when a large chain is adopting a new drink. While it isn’t bad, it doesn’t hold its weight with the other cortados you can get at other Milwaukee coffee shops. As someone who has been ordering cortados, I think the Starbucks Cortado (at least the original, I did not taste the flavored one) is ok if you’re in a pinch, but it won’t replace that cafe crafted version.
All that being said, here are a couple of great options you can try here in MKE.
Running Errands?
I get my haircut in Walker’s Point, and I always make a point to stop at Fuel Cafe for a Cortado. For $3 you get a solid Anodyne espresso shot powering your cortado. Thankfully, I have a punch card, so my 11th cortado is free (don’t ask my wallet about the math here). And if you have some more time, why not sit down upstairs and get some work done. Honestly for the price, this is a great option if you’re running around town.
Waiting for train…
Feel like a character in a (insert author) novel while you wait for your train. You really cannot go wrong with a Cortado at Stone Creek on 5th.Crafted with care and packed with a bold punch, this one will definitely hit the spot. And honestly, the coffee shop is always a great spot to work.

Chatting with a friend
If you’re in Bayview, walking down KK (that’s MKE for Kinnickinnic street) you may be tempted to stop by the Colectivo down there. But if you turn around, there’s a small coffee shop right across from it, Interval. And let me tell you, Interval’s Cortado is one of the best I have ever had. Made with their signature Neighborly Coffee, the Cortado is guaranteed to hit the spot. And if you’re too cool for Bayview, you can always check out their location on the east side.
I can write more about Cortados, but I think I'll stop it here. If you haven’t had one yet, what are you waiting for? I hope I am not overselling it, but trust me, the right Cortado will make your day 10 times better.