Note: This is the fourth post in a semi-regular series where our posts will be curated interviews with people engaged in coffee across Milwaukee. Our goal is to highlight their stories and experiences, and share their love of coffee with you all. These interviews have been edited, but also run by those whose voice we are highlighting.
After her cake shop, Piece of Love, suffered a hit-and-run earlier this year, Ana Gonzalez opened Elevate Coffee Truck. Located in West Allis, Elevate offers a variety of coffee drinks, smoothies, wraps, and breakfast items. Elevate aims to create a coffee truck that is community oriented. The coffee truck allows Ana to be at community events and markets. Saul had a chance to sit down with Milwaukee’s Ana Gonzalez, owner of Elevate Coffee Truck earlier this month.

Saul: We'll just start with some simple questions, name where you're from, and what business are you representing?
Ana: My name is Ana Gonzalez, and I'm from Milwaukee, and I [own] Piece of Love cake and coffee shop, and now also Elevate Coffee Truck.
Saul: What's the story behind Elevate?
Ana: Well, the menu and everything came from Piece of Love Cake Shop. So when I opened Piece of Love, it was mainly going to be cake and coffee, but due to the budget that we had in the beginning we opened as a cake shop. Piece of Love has been open for three years, and just this year we got the hit and run with the building… So, we wanted to expand more of the coffee route. We will still have the cake shop to do things like our pastries or muffins and things. The goal is to get a drive through location, but it will continue for now as Elevate Coffee.
Saul: Why Elevate? What is the significance of the name?
Ana: Our mission is actually to elevate others whether it's through financial education or just having a nice place where people can come and contribute to one another. You know, learn, grow and become bigger. So elevate and go to the next level. That's where the elevate word came from.
Saul: How has the community responded to Elevate?
Ana: We [opened] Piece of Love three years ago here in West Allis, and ever since we opened, the community is extremely supportive. Even Mayor Dan--he's the West Dallas mayor. He came here when we did our grand opening for Elevate. Every time we do events here, like he comes, very supportive. And then also, the rest of the community, the neighbors, they know that our storefront isn't open yet, and it's like taking forever for repairs. They're always reaching out, like, hey, if you need anything, if there's something we can do, or when are you opening? We miss you. And then when we opened Elevate, it's like, I can tell that, yeah, it's been five months since we closed the store, but all of our regulars, all the West Allis family just came along and supported Elevate.
Saul: And you're at a great spot, because, like, West Allis is growing. You're right at the edge of Milwaukee.
Ana: Yeah, definitely. I feel like we can really, like, get people from Milwaukee, get people from Greenfield, get people from New Berlin. We're kind of in the middle where we can actually bring all the communities together.
Saul: You have a coffee truck, which isn’t super common. What are the pros and cons of having a coffee truck? Because usually when we think about coffee shops, we think about [a] physical space. What do you think the truck offers that maybe a standard shop doesn't?
Ana: I think what I really like about [a coffee truck] is that we're able to go anywhere. And I think we're very unique. I don't think there's another coffee truck that is like ours. We got a lot of good people hiring us, like different companies. So just the fact that we're mobile and we can come to you and serve your group of people, whether that's at work with your employees, or whether this is at your own wedding or birthday party. I think it's great. We're mobile [and] will come to you. It's like, how can you take 250 employees to a coffee shop when you know there's no space for it? But we can come to you. So I think that's just like one of the biggest things that I like about it.
Saul: That is so unique. How did you come into the coffee world?
Ana: I was a coffee lover. Ever since high school, since I was younger, I'm the kind of person that was always carrying a cup of coffee with me in the morning. So it all started from there. I was like a big Starbucks fanatic. Every morning I would get my cup of coffee. And then when I started my own business, I wanted it to be cake decorating, and I specialize in custom cakes, but coffee is also part of it. Now I was able to put it together with all the crafting of the recipes for the lattes, the macchiatos, and everything… It's the same thing with cakes and with coffee.
Saul: It's like an art, right? Both different, but similar, right?
Ana: Very similar when it comes to me crafting new drinks, like the horchata latte.The recipes come really good together when making a cake, but the exact same ingredients come together pretty well when making a horchata latte.
Saul: Speaking of coffee drinks, what would you say is your favorite coffee drink, either from Elevate or just in general?
Ana: My favorite is the Dulce de Leche Latte from Elevate.
Saul: And when you're away from Elevate and you need a pick me up, for what you usually get?
Ana: I would get a caramel macchiato macchiato.
Saul: I’m more of a cortado fan myself. But it's so fascinating to see how different people pick their drink of choice. Next question, what do you like about working in the coffee business?
Ana: I love to meet new people. I feel like I get to meet a lot of people that love coffee. Most of them get it regularly, so they become our regular customers. So just getting to know them every day… Actually having that personal connection with them in the morning and being able to provide that coffee for them. I think that's like the biggest thing. That's what I like the most.
Saul: That’s awesome. Is there a story you think about when you think about coffee?
Ana: When I was little, because I grew up in Mexico all the way to the age of eight, and I remember always towards the end of the night, [people asking], “does anybody want coffee?” That just reminds me of, like, cafe con leche. My grandma used put it together at the end of the night, we would all sit, have our coffee, and maybe, like a piece of sweet bread… Really nice memories of my family and sitting down and just chatting,
Saul: And now you’re helping create memories for other people, it’s a full circle moment. What does coffee mean to you?
Ana: Coffee is like a pick me up in the morning. It's something that is gonna set myself for success for the rest of the day, you know? So I feel like it's like my main drink in the morning so that my day can go perfect.
Saul: Awesome. Love it! Is there anything I didn't ask that you think would be beneficial for people that are probably getting to know Elevate.
Ana: I think we're very unique. I think there are a lot of other mobile coffees that also bring you the coffee experience. But with Elevate, we can bring the lattes, the macchiatos, and all the espresso based drinks. Everything that you can see--like a crafted drink--at a normal coffee shop establishment, you can find it at Elevate coffee truck, including smoothies and wraps as well.
Elevate is located on 68th and Lincoln, but they are also on the move. So make sure to look at their links to see if they’re going to make a pitstop at farmer’s market or community fair near you. Oh, and if you are in need of a coffee truck for your next event, they cater too!